About Us

Wayuu Cosecha Arte Colombiano

Cosechabags.com is a brand of “Wayuu Cosecha Arte Colombiano”, a company Established in 2012 in Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia.
Since 2012 we support wayuu Comunities, throug the pay of just price for the products, as well as a process of permanent training in quality issues, which allow the sustainability of a significant number of families and quality assurance in our final product, establishing ourselves as leaders in the wholesale sale of wayuu bags worldwide.

Supporting communities

We pay a fair price, we establish long-term relationships with our leaders and weavers, we closely follow the evolution of their economies and we permanently support them, if they progress they can offer us better and better solutions to our business.


We have a high standard of Quality, we are not satisfied, for us it is never enough, we can always improve and offer better quality products to our clients. Our fuel is a satisfied customer. This motivates us to continue improving.


We involve all our employees and allies in a creative process, where the development of new designs are awarded according to the result. We constantly reinvent ourselves.


We always seek the satisfaction of our clients, delivering products in the required quantities, in the agreed time, and of the best quality.

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